




                                           Due to manufacturing issues at this time, prices are subjected to change

                                                          Our website might not reflect the latest pricing.

                                                                   Call to check availability of batteries

                                                                               before ordering


 FULLRIVER BATTERY is a privately owned company and is one of the largest Valve Regulated Sealed Lead Acid Battery manufacturers in China.

FULLRIVER Marine Batteries have better performance than most of their peer products in this market. It is Unique in that they control the entire Battery Manufacturing process from raw materials to the finished product. Grid casting, Lead Oxide production, Pasting, Curing, Assembly and Tank Formation are all performed at the same facility. This insures Superior Quality and Performance.

FULLRIVER has achieved Worldwide recognition for the highest quality Marine Batteries available today.


When ordering 2 or more batteries, please call to get a preferred shipping rate. 


Fullriver DC Series Installation & Operation


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